Met Deco #14: Ninon Petras studio, second hand and decoration

Rencontré Déco #14 : Ninon Petras studio, seconde main et déco - Quark

Discover the second part of the interview with Ninon Petras studio. She explains how to organize and optimize your interior. You will see that the second-hand decoration occupies an important place in his apartment!

Do you recommend buying only second-hand decoration?

I think it's important to consume differently. This is a subject that is increasingly topical in the current context. Buying second-hand decoration is a price advantage. This makes it possible to buy quality pieces that have aesthetic value. We have unique objects, which have a story. These are not objects that come out of a ready-made factory. But nuance, we do not find everything in second-hand decoration. There are not only beautiful things, it is necessary to alternate the new and the old. You have to alternate the different styles and choose things that you really like.

Should you go to a flea market to find second-hand decoration with the same optics as in store?

If we go to a flea market with an idea in mind, we almost never find what we are looking for. Instead, I recommend staying open-minded and digging. It's often not very tidy in these places, don't be afraid. It works from the heart. We can find things that we didn't necessarily need. That's how great discoveries are made. I rarely found what I was looking for when I went to Emmaus with a special need. That's why it's quite a long process. We have to take our time to find what we need. Otherwise you can quickly get frustrated. You have to find a middle ground.

Of course it's easier to go buy a table in the store or to order something on the Internet. I also do it when I have needs. But, I try to favor second-hand decoration, for the ecological and aesthetic side .

I love the story the pieces tell. This is really what comes to create a personalized and unique atmosphere in an apartment. Ecology is something I care about a lot . I find that being able to buy second-hand decor without having to recreate a product is quite a clever system . This is not the solution to everything, but it is something that individuals can do.

How to combine the ecological aspect and the design of second-hand decoration?

My apartment has a fairly “aesthetic” but minimalism style. I try to invest in useful pieces that will last me over time. I know that I will enjoy my pieces in a few years. It's how you put them together that matters. I have a classic rug in my living room with an industrial table and a mirror from the 50s. I have pieces from different eras and styles. Mixing them gives them interest and takes them out of context. Do not be afraid to shake up the codes. I find it a shame to try to go for a single style. It's a shame to follow a trend and buy all the accessories that match together. It works, but it's easy to end up with the same apartment as the neighbor or the Pinterest photos.

How do you adapt your style to that of your partner?

My companion follows me in all my follies and supports me enormously in the creation of my videos. He loves the flea market. We look together and he is as happy as I am with the things we find. We have to make concessions. There are things he offers me that don't suit me. Sometimes it's the other way around.

What are your house rules?

The rules concern storage. We try to have our separate storage spaces in the bedroom. We each have a dressing room. Everyone is master of their own business. It's important to have a space to express yourself. We have common storage places . In the living room we have drawers where we put uniform boxes with labels. We know what we find inside. It is a very good solution for people who are not organized or who do not have a place. By labeling things, we know where to find our belongings and where to store them.

What would you do if your companion wasn't as neat as you are?

We have to make allowances and make concessions. We must not forget that when we decide to live together, it is also to share the negative points. We cannot have the same values ​​and the same ways of functioning. The ideal is to have common areas that we control together. But do not have control over all the rooms and m2 of the apartment. Your partner or roommate will want to put away important things more if you give in on certain things. I leave part of the room to my companion. It's a mess, but it doesn't matter. In exchange, he makes more effort to tidy up the common areas. He knows how important it is for me to live and work in an apartment that is tidy.

How not to get demotivated in the middle of the tidying up process?

In general, doing a spring cleaning is quite a long process. To start, you don't have to take everything out at once, but start piece by piece. We set a goal for the day. Thus, we do not get tired of storage after two hours or after two days. If it's something that needs to be put away, I try to spread it out and not do it all at once. People quickly realize how storing and moving things has a positive impact . At the end of the process, you feel much more at home.

What is the most difficult space for you to organize? What's your trick?

In the apartment we have a kitchen which is not very big. We like to cook a lot. So we have plenty of utensils. We have tried to purify and really keep what is useful on a daily basis. We bought mini-shelves that we put in place when we fitted out. This makes it possible to create additional shelves in the cupboards and to optimize their height. We minimized the things we had. For this we must ask ourselves if we really need to have so many tools. You have to look at what is essential.

How do you make a choice when it comes to keeping and throwing away?

I follow the Marie Kondo method . I've had it in place for several years. I read her book as soon as she published it. The principle is to ask yourself the following questions: Do I need it? Do I like this item? And is it used daily? When I want to sort things out, I take my objects and my clothes and I ask myself all these questions. I strive not to have material attachments.

I think people have a hard time sorting because they assume they bought the item. But it's a good thing to take it into account. Maybe next time the person will avoid making the same type of purchase. You have to know how to detach yourself from possessions. They are just objects. We feel better when we have less. We appreciate more the objects that we have left.

Do not hesitate to consult our last article: Studio Ammo

Interview by Imane Charkaoui

Formatting by Coralie Mottu

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