Met Deco #18: By Anaïs, furnishing a student studio

Rencontré Déco #18 : By Anaïs, aménager un studio d'étudiant - Quark

We met Anais. Young Youtuber, Anaïs lives in a small 11m² studio in Paris. Anaïs shares her tips for setting up her student studio. Between creativity, cocooning atmosphere and bright colors, you will discover his way of pimping his decoration.

Furnish a small Parisian studio

“The little things make the difference”. Anaïs, 21, now lives in a small studio in Paris. She left her large country house in Poitou-Charentes to settle in the capital. She must now live alone in an 11 m2 studio in Paris. Like many students, she discovers a very different way of life.

When Anaïs moved into her 11m2, she immediately wanted to fit out her student studio, even if she had little space to equip herself. “Decoration is really important to me,” she says. When she moved into her studio, the only furniture was a sofa and a desk. She quickly noticed a reinforcement in the wall that was not being used. “You have to know that I like to organize my make-up by category. »

Creation of a development project for a student studio

Anaïs needed shelves to make her idea a reality. She then creates a Photoshop project with several shelves to store her things. She sends the project to its owner to propose her idea. Its owner accepts the project. The next day, she installs all the shelves. “I also wanted to include a mirror next to the bathroom door. In my opinion, it's the little details that make the difference.

A decoration enthusiast

From an early age, Anaïs has been passionate about decoration. She enjoys watching roomtours on YouTube. Pinterest is also a huge inspiration for her. “I played the piano as a child and had to stop lessons because I couldn't watch D&CO. »

Thanks to all these inspirations, she was able to define her style. She was therefore able to arrange her student studio in her image according to what she has at her disposal. She checks IKEA magazines and internet trends. “Everything inspires me”. Then, recommends making moodboards to organize your inspirations and determine where to place each item.

“You should know that my favorite color is not pink. It's blue. But the color pink brings warmth to her. When she arrived, the pink sofa was already present. So she had to go from there. Every detail counts for Anaïs. Indeed, even her hair straightener is pink. " In a small apartment, each object can bring a touch of decoration. The items are always visible. So it has to be pretty".

The decoration impacts his mood. The white of the walls brings grandeur and light to the room. She knows that if those walls hadn't been white, she wouldn't have liked living in that apartment. Several solutions were planned. First, she could have asked her landlady to paint the walls. If she refused, she could have used a canvas or curtain wall to hide. " There is always a solution. »

The decoration evolves

The decoration evolves. The more time we spend in a room, the more we want to decorate it differently to make it feel as good as possible. Anaïs recommends changing the furniture from time to time. Thus, we can more easily appropriate our space, and try new things. It makes you feel "at home".

Anaïs has added decorative elements that do not clutter her interior. She bought the famous “By Anaïs” in neon. She added photos. As far as she is concerned, she felt that she appropriated the apartment by adding the shelves.

The presence of paintings, photos, and moodboards gives the impression of having changed decoration, “That's what I try to do every two years. It makes me feel good. ". For example, she changes the sheets. It's the little details that matter. It is also important to get some air. During confinement, Anaïs carried out a routine. She was making her bed and creating a workspace. She called her colleagues and family daily. “The simple fact of going to get the bread does us good. »

Tidying up

It is also important that the apartment is constantly tidy. Separate storage spaces. Clothes that are not used during the season are separated and stored up high. The ones we wear most often are stored on racks. To make the most of the space, it is recommended to benefit from multifunction objects.

Anaïs has a lot of trouble tidying up the kitchen. She tries to follow the advice of Marie Kondo. “Every object has its place”. She is also inspired by what she can discover on Pinterest. It was while doing research that she discovered Pegboards. “It's quite trendy at the moment. It is ideal for organizing your office. And even the kitchen! ". It's a practical way to store your items.

Do not hesitate to consult our article: TIPTOE sustainable furniture

Interview by Imane Charkaoui

Publication Coralie Mottu

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