Event: Quark launches its pop-up store

Événement : Quark lance sa boutique éphémère - Quark

Hello all ! Today I'm telling you about a super cool project that's coming very soon. It is a great pride for the entire Quark team to present this project to you, which is a big step for us! And yes ! You may have guessed it if you follow us on social networks, Quark is launching its pop-up boutique in the heart of Paris. You can come and shop for your Pegboards and your favorite accessories for a week.

The store will be held in the Marais from Thursday March 16 to Sunday March 19 . Quark will welcome you from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on site.

Opening a Pop-Up is a step that has been close to our hearts for a long time. This is an opportunity to present many worlds around the Pegboard Quark. You will be able to discover all the nuances, touch the products, play with the Pegboards. This is an opportunity for us to share our vision of interior decoration and modularity. And the best part of this affair: you will be able to meet the team at the same time and ask all your questions!

We can't wait to show you all this but in the meantime we'll tell you a little more ;)

The pop-up store: A first for Quark

And yes, it’s a first for us! This is the first time we have organized an event like this . This is a big project and requires a lot of organization. If any of you have already organized events you know :)

The idea came to us because we really like our customers, meeting them, knowing their needs, growing together.

It's a friendly moment and above all, it allows you to better understand the Quark universe.

We also particularly love our products, we work very hard to offer you ever more qualitative , practical and stylish products.

Opening a pop-up store was the perfect opportunity.

It is very important for us to be able to help you discover our world from another angle than through social networks and the website.

It's every creator's dream to have a store or perhaps exhibit their creations! This really allows us to help you discover even more about the brand universe , the products and the team .

An event in the heart of cultural Paris

For this pop-up boutique project, we chose a strategic and more than emblematic location in Paris: Le Marais . A historic district located in the heart of Paris , renowned for its rich architectural, cultural and artistic heritage. It is also a place associated with the world of design, particularly furniture design and fashion.

In the 18th century, the Marais became a very special place as it became a center of the fashion industry , with many silk, lace and ribbon manufacturers established in the area. Fashion designers and tailors of the time began experimenting with new styles of clothing, using high-quality fabrics and innovative sewing techniques. Le Marais became a meeting place for fashion designers, artists and intellectuals, who exchanged ideas and collaborated to create unique works of art.

In the 20th century, the Marais was revitalized as the artistic and cultural center of Paris. Many artists, designers and architects have established studios and galleries in the area, making it a hot spot for design creation and innovation. Le Marais is now home to numerous fashion and design stores, contemporary art galleries and museums, as well as workspaces for designers and artists.

It was therefore obvious for us to choose this very special location for the opening of our pop-up store. A place steeped in creation, design and history.

The Quark universe

The Paris marsh

If you are new, and you have just discovered the Quark universe , I will give you a quick overview.

Quark is the Pegboard specialist. If you don't know about Pegboards , I'll enlighten you a little.

The Pegboard


The Pegboard is a modular storage solution. It is a board pierced with regularly spaced holes (we can hear the gentle voice of the engineers in this sentence). The holes are used to accommodate dowels, hooks, wooden pins or even shelves. These elements will allow you to arrange various objects. It is ideal for creating storage spaces in your interior.

The Pegboard has been trademarked and used by the Masonite Corporation . The Pegboard brand was first used in 1962. This pegboard is commonly used in retail with steel rods protruding to hold products for hanging.

At Quark, we find the Pegboard to be an extraordinary object . Yes, quite simply ❤️. And now we want to share all the possibilities of the Pegboard with you. When you look at a board with holes, you quickly realize that you can find an infinite number of combinations!

The pop-up store

A new way to discover

This pop-up store will allow us to highlight our new products. Like for example our Pegboards on wheels or the Pegboard space divider . These are brand new products that are out of the ordinary, which explore new horizons. At Quark we like to innovate and always go further, for us, Pegboards are storage and decoration spaces but not only that. There are many possibilities. And we want to push these possibilities to their maximum and go even further. It's also an opportunity for customers , and therefore for you :) because it allows you to project yourself and it can also give you decoration ideas . In addition to that, you will have the opportunity to see some of our products in advance. Not bad is not it ?

3D printing

3D printing

And yes, at Quark we are also exploring this possibility! 3D printing is now part of our production techniques for many accessories. Shelves, small accessories and games of all kinds, a marble run for Pegboard, in short. We have been able to make good use of this invention that is 3D printing. It accompanies us and it is now essential , and I would even say that it is the little extra from Quark ;).

It is also an opportunity to better understand and have the opportunity to see 3D printed products in real life . I know many of you sometimes have questions about this. If you want to know more, there is also a special blog post on 3D printing. Here it is if you ever want to take a look :) But the best thing is to come and discover for yourself during the pop-up store what we are capable of! And you will not be disappointed :)

Local production

Our Pebboards are produced in Paris, in the 19th arrondissement . Our workshop is hosted at Métropole 19 . There are many artisans on site, companies that create and manufacture. Soaps, fabric bricks, K-Ryol and even concrete enclosures!

A perfect environment that allows us to develop our creativity . We are happy to participate in the creation of local production that cannot be relocated by nature!

Thought, designed and produced in our workshop , Quark has chosen to manufacture authentic, high-quality modular storage. We chose 100% French manufacturing because we like things that are well made and, above all, things that last over time. This is why made in France was obvious to us. This also allows us to be able to offer you products adapted to your needs as well as tailor-made products for all the rooms in your home. Choosing to consume locally also means supporting small businesses (like ours) and also participating in local and environmental standards. It also means preserving the cultural heritage of France , a true star, known throughout the world.

An event not to be missed

We'll give you a little recap. You won't be able to say that you hadn't seen ;) The pop-up store will be held: in the Marais from Thursday March 16 to Sunday March 19 . Quark will welcome you from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on site. You will be able to discover a wide choice of Pegboards as well as a wide choice of accessories. You will also be able to discover many sets up because we have plenty planned for you to inspire you, you will love it! This is an opportunity to stock up on inspiration , and we will be there to guide you if necessary. This is the advantage of the pop-up store! We will be able to meet and talk to each other in person and we love that! We'll also organize a little surprise for you! Thursday evening will be the opening of the store, a little party for us and the Quarkos, not bad, right?

Even if you arrive in the Quark world you are obviously welcome. In short, it’s an opportunity to discover and get inspiration for your own decoration . But also to be able to meet the creators, to learn more about the brand if you wish. In addition to being a store, it is a real friendly and human moment that is very important for us. It’s also an opportunity to experience a unique moment for you and for us! Because the pop-up store is an opportunity for us to organize in a creative and original way to offer you a shopping experience different from that of large chain stores . And this is your opportunity to support small businesses: By purchasing products during a pop-up shop event, you support local small businesses and contribute to the vitality of the local economy :)

You will have understood, it is a project of which we are very proud and we look forward to seeing you there for the opening :)

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