Our selection of the best interior designers

Notre sélection des meilleurs architectes d’interieurs - Quark

Interior design is a captivating field that transcends simple walls and empty spaces to create environments that reflect our individuality and aesthetic sense . In other words, it's the art of transforming ordinary places into havens of beauty and functionality . Interior designers carefully think through each element to arouse emotions and inspire an immersive experience . From the arrangement of furniture to the selection of colors, textures and materials, interior design offers us the opportunity to shape unique spaces that express our lifestyle and promote our well-being . Whether you are looking to create a personal sanctuary in your home, for example, or to design exceptional commercial spaces , interior design is an art that transcends the boundaries between design , functionality and the expression of our identity.

The Chalk House Chalk

The Chalk House

Among the many talented interior design firms that have pushed the limits of creativity, there is one that stands out: CraieCraie . With its bold vision and its ability to transform ordinary places into real works of art , Craie Craie has won our hearts. I was seduced by their colorful universe, which evokes the enchanting atmosphere of a Wes Anderson film. If you are a fan of this type of aesthetic, you will love diving into their universe. On the other hand, their website deserves a special mention for its captivating aesthetics and immersive user experience . I highly recommend you to visit it and have a look. You can access it by clicking on the image below 👇

Craiecraie website

The perfect marriage of aesthetics and functionality

Before after

CraieCraie is also recognized for its ability to create spaces that harmoniously combine aesthetics and functionality . His unique approach is to understand the needs and desires of his clients, while adding his own artistic touch .

The style of CraieCraie is distinguished above all by its colourful, elegant and well-thought-out character . Its expert use of materials, textures and colors creates unique atmospheres that create a feeling of comfort in an elegant and pop universe. Whether by using clean lines and more pastel tones for a minimalist atmosphere or by integrating bold patterns and touches of bright colors for a more eccentric atmosphere, each CraieCraie project is marked by a particular aesthetic specific to the house. .

Interior designers with meticulous attention to detail

chalk chalk interior designer

Whether it's lighting, furniture, accessories or even works of art for example, nothing is left to chance . In other words, CraieCraie's meticulous attention to detail brings every project to life and creates spaces that stand out for their exceptional quality and visual consistency.

Interior designer Karen Tinka

Karen Tinka Instagram

The audacity of contrasts and textures

What makes Karen Tinka 's work so captivating is her boldness in playing with contrasts and textures . She does not hesitate to mix contemporary elements with vintage pieces , thus creating unique compositions . She uses unexpected combinations of materials such as wood, metal and glass for example. Which therefore give depth and richness to the spaces it creates. This mastery of contrasts and textures adds an artistic dimension to his projects and makes each interior a true work of art.

Personalization for a space that suits you

Karen Tinka projectproject interior designer Karen Tinka

Another striking aspect of Karen Tinka's work is her ability to understand the needs and preferences of her clients to create spaces that reflect them. Therefore, each project is approached with careful listening . Allowing Karen to translate her clients' aspirations into reality. They are committed to the idea that each place has a soul , just like their customers. They observe and structure the space in such a way that the clients can subsequently evolve in total harmony in their interior.

The captivating world of Karen Tinka

Karen Tinka's universe

By exploring Karen Tinka's Instagram account, we let ourselves be carried away on an inspiring visual journey. His publications transport us through a variety of captivating projects , where harmony, aesthetics and creativity are in the spotlight. From warm interiors to elegant commercial spaces, each project is therefore a source of inspiration for those who aspire to create unique and elegant environments.

Karen Tinka is a talented interior designer whose timeless elegance and inspiring creativity transform spaces into real gems . Her bold approach, her mastery of contrasts and textures, as well as her ability to personalize each project make her an essential emerging figure in interior design. So if you're looking for refined inspiration and design that transcends fleeting trends, then be sure to dive into the captivating world of Karen Tinka.

As far back as she can remember, the touch of matter has been the trigger for her adventure. Fascinated by the deep beauty of colors and objects, she worked for several years in the fashion industry. However, it was important for her to get back to basics: emotion .

Accompanied by her collaborator Adam Cancho, she proposes to concretize the aspirations of the customers in a project of sustainable life . Their approach is simple, honest and offers caring support.

Chayeb Paradis, an exceptional talent pushing the boundaries of design

Interior designers

Chayeb Paradis is an interior designer firm with a real source of inspiration for design lovers. Their Instagram account, @chayebparadis, is full of stunning shots that testify to their creative genius. With an avant-garde and above all minimalist approach, Chayeb Paradis pushes the traditional boundaries of interior design, creating unique spaces.

Unique and striking spaces

chayeb paradis project interior designer

One of the most defining characteristics of Chayeb Paradis' work is his unparalleled sense of aesthetics . Every project they undertake is a true work of art . For example, the harmony of shapes, colors and textures is meticulously orchestrated . Chayeb Paradis always manages to create visually striking atmospheres that reflect a particular and recognizable identity.

In addition to his aesthetic approach, Chayeb Paradis pays meticulous attention to the functionality of each space. The house rethinks conventional standards. Constantly seeking to optimize the use of space and to create practical and ergonomic solutions. His creations often incorporate surprising and innovative elements. Above all, they transform once banal spaces into unique and functional places.

A creative and inspiring universe

chayeb paradise architecture project chayeb paradise project

Chayeb Paradis' influence extends far beyond their Instagram account. Their work pushes the boundaries of design , and also inspires a new generation of interior designers and leaves an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary architecture and design.

If you are looking for an innovative approach, avant-garde design and breathtaking aesthetics. Do not miss to discover the creative and inspiring universe of Chayeb Paradis.

Effe Architecture redefines the standards of interior architecture

effe architecture instagram

Effe Architecture was born in 2020, driven by the desire to develop architectural projects with particular attention to context , detail and light. Founder of the agency, Federica, of Italian origin who also lived in France, has always wondered about the impact of the cultural and social context in which each project takes shape. Thus, each achievement is designed with absolute respect for the existing environment, thus guaranteeing the uniqueness of each project.

Fédérica draws her taste for details and design from her country of origin. Each project is crafted with meticulous attention to detail , giving the whole a distinctive aesthetic . On the other hand, her professional career has also led her to specialize in lighting design. In each project, special attention is paid to natural and artificial light . Considered as a true constitutive element of space.

Versatile interior designers specializing in the rehabilitation of the existing

effé architecture project

The agency mainly focuses on rehabilitation projects of the existing . The versatility of the agency is thus reflected in its ability to create unique and functional spaces , in harmony with their surrounding environment.

What is immediately striking in the work of Effe Architecture is its concern for the purity of lines and formal simplicity . Each project is designed with geometric rigor and a keen sense of balance. Thus creating spaces that exude serenity and harmony. Neutral colors and natural materials are often preferred, highlighting the timeless beauty of each architectural element.

Clean aesthetics and innovation

casa dragonfly project effé architecture project

The interior design studio does not just create minimalist interiors. Above all, his innovative approach allows him to push the limits of creativity and bring surprising elements to each project. Whether through the bold use of complex geometric shapes or the unexpected combination of materials. Effe Architecture brings a touch of originality and innovation to its creations.

By browsing Effe Architecture's Instagram account, we dive into a universe of design where simplicity meets innovation . Each project presented is an invitation to discover the beauty of purity and the intelligence of design . Therefore, if you are looking for a minimalist approach that combines timeless elegance with bold creativity. Do not miss to immerse yourself in the inspiring universe of Effe Architecture.

Studio Classico: An artistic delight at the service of interior design

studio classic instagram

Studio Classico is a creative studio specializing in architecture and design, with offices in Paris and Marseille. Their unique approach is the result of a combination of a background in mechanical engineering and applied arts . Through their work, Studio Classico harmonizes architecture and design . By drawing inspiration from a variety of traditional and vernacular languages, while taking into account contemporary issues.

Their design process is guided by in-depth reflection on the uses and functions of the spaces they design. But what makes their approach truly unique is their attention to local materials and craftsmanship . They favor expressive and sustainably sourced materials, while showcasing local know-how and regional craftsmanship. This approach reflects their commitment to high ethical and environmental standards.

With Studio Classico, each project is treated with care and originality . They always seek to create unique spaces that meet the needs of their customers. While being in perfect harmony with their environment. Their approach is therefore a subtle blend of tradition, innovation and sustainability. Which makes it an architecture and design studio to discover and follow closely.

Between tradition and modernity

studio classico projectinterior designer project interior designer project studio classico

When it comes to transforming spaces into veritable works of art, Studio Classico stands out for its creative approach and exceptional talent . The Instagram account, @studio__classico, is a real visual delight. Revealing timeless architectural creations that exude elegance and refinement. Studio Classico turns every project into an enchanting experience. This interior designer studio always manages to capture the essence of the place and therefore create an atmosphere that tells a story.

The balance between tradition and innovation is at the heart of Studio Classico's work. By drawing on the heritage of classic design , the team of interior designers brings a contemporary and audacious touch to each project. Timeless lines combined with touches of modernity, create interiors that transcend eras and reflect sophisticated taste.

Whether you're drawn to classic aesthetics or looking for a fusion of past and present. Studio Classico will inspire you with its creations that bear witness to unparalleled know-how and passion for interior design.

And here you are at the end of our selection of the 5 best interior designers in Paris ;) I hope you enjoyed the blog post! If you want to see a second edition let us know in the comments!

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